Pirouette for CRT, 2012
Single-channel digital video for flat screen
19 sec excerpt from 5 min
Installation at Aldrich Museum, 2014
Pirouette for CRT, 2012
As part of my project TVs From Craigslist I cull images of TVs for sale I find on peer-to-peer market platforms (Craigslist, eBay, Gumtree). I find these pictures at once endearing and sad: the screens of these TVs offer hints of the seller’s interior space reflected in them - inadvertent glimpses that function as self-portraits of the sellers (the camera’s flash announcing the seller’s presence in the image); the bulky CRT TVs that are pictured in profile seem like anthropomorphic characters that have been rejected by their owners and yet they physically persist, dig in their heals and insist on being dealt with. They are the manifest dinosaurs of technology, physical bodies as symbols of their own obsolescence. Using these found images, Pirouette for CRT is a choreographed tribute to the mortality of the CRT, and of the image.